Low Temp District Energy Solutions
Sustainable District Energy Solutions for Modern Communities
Low temperature energy distribution is a new approach at large and small-scale district energy transmission. Low temperature projects are often found on campuses looking to reduce their energy consumption, use alternative energy sources and drop their carbon footprint. These systems typically consist of direct buried distribution pipelines that carry hot water under 220F for heating applications.
These piping systems are different than high temperature distribution systems as they are typically of a non-conduit design utilizing an foam insulated carrier pipe of various materials from thermal plastics, pex or steel and the incorporation of direct buried isolation valves of the same construction.
John C Digertt, Inc offers a wire range of low temperature distribution solutions from piping, direct buried valves, energy monitoring system and energy transfer systems.

Direct Buried Isolation Valves
Direct buried isolation valves play a large role in low temperature energy distribution systems and eliminate the need for costly concrete vaults that require confined space entry and added points of system failure. From 1” to 72” plus we have engineered solutions for your direct buried valve application.