Pipeline Flushing
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Pipeline Flushing
As part of our comprehensive pipeline installation and maintenance portfolio of services, Digertt offers flushing of any and all pipeline systems, no matter the size. We provide proper and efficient flushing procedure to meet your needs whether you have an above ground or below ground system, or whether you have steel or plastic construction.
We offer high velocity flushing, chemical flushing, and chemical coating services as well. For systems requiring lay up to remain in a long term inactive state, we also offer pipeline drying and purging. This leaves the pipeline in a dry condition with a nitrogen blanket to ensure there is no development of corrosion.
Why Does Your Pipeline System Need Flushing?
Digertt Assists Pipeline Contractors by:
Why Does Your Pipeline System Need Flushing?

Your district energy cooling & heating systems is critically important to deliver chilled water to the matrix of commercial, residential and industrial buildings in your community via underground insulated pipes from a central cooling station . Heat exchanges transfer the cooling and heating energy from the pipeline to the Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems located in each building.
Flushing and cleaning of heating and cooling systems is important to remove the contaminants that build up over time. Dirt, scale, algae, rust, and sand can cause narrowing inside the interior lining of the pipe, inhibiting heat transfer and reducing flow rate. Pipeline flushing is used to literally “flush” away debris and grime from the pipeline system very improved performance.
Digertt Assists Pipeline Contractors by:
Renting flushing equipment including pumps, accessories, and single and multiple bag filter vessels to trap and remove dirt during the cleaning process.
Providing flushing, removal of unwanted substances, chemical breakdown of hazardous waste, and industrial cleaning/ disinfection of pipelines.
Engineering requirements to ensure uninterrupted flushing velocity and flows throughout the sequence of operations.
Testing water samples to verify the cleaning process.
Contact John C. Digertt, Inc. today and have the piece of mind that your critical systems will remain operational for years to come! Call us at 860-349-0468.